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The symbolics for Bertini2. Operator overloads let you write arithmetic do form your system, after making variables, etc.

class _pybertini.function_tree.AbstractNode

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

Raises an exception This class cannot be instantiated from Python

degree((AbstractNode)arg1) → int

degree( (AbstractNode)arg1, (Variable)arg2) -> int

degree( (AbstractNode)arg1, (VariableGroup)arg2) -> int

differentiate((AbstractNode)arg1) → AbstractNode

differentiate( (AbstractNode)arg1, (Variable)arg2) -> AbstractNode

eval_d((AbstractNode)arg1) → complex

eval_d( (AbstractNode)arg1, (Variable)arg2) -> complex

eval_mp((AbstractNode)arg1) → Complex

eval_mp( (AbstractNode)arg1, (Variable)arg2) -> Complex

homogenize((AbstractNode)arg1, (VariableGroup)arg2, (Variable)arg3) → None
is_homogeneous((AbstractNode)arg1) → bool

is_homogeneous( (AbstractNode)arg1, (Variable)arg2) -> bool

is_homogeneous( (AbstractNode)arg1, (VariableGroup)arg2) -> bool

is_polynomial((AbstractNode)arg1) → bool

is_polynomial( (AbstractNode)arg1, (Variable)arg2) -> bool

is_polynomial( (AbstractNode)arg1, (VariableGroup)arg2) -> bool

multidegree((AbstractNode)arg1, (VariableGroup)arg2) → int
precision((AbstractNode)arg1) → int

precision( (AbstractNode)arg1, (int)arg2) -> None

reset((AbstractNode)arg1) → None
_pybertini.function_tree.acos((AbstractNode)arg1) → AbstractNode
_pybertini.function_tree.asin((AbstractNode)arg1) → AbstractNode
_pybertini.function_tree.atan((AbstractNode)arg1) → AbstractNode
_pybertini.function_tree.cos((AbstractNode)arg1) → AbstractNode
_pybertini.function_tree.exp((AbstractNode)arg1) → AbstractNode
_pybertini.function_tree.log((AbstractNode)arg1) → AbstractNode
_pybertini.function_tree.sin((AbstractNode)arg1) → AbstractNode
_pybertini.function_tree.tan((AbstractNode)arg1) → AbstractNode


Tracking things for PyBertini. Includes the three fundamental trackers, and utility functions.

class _pybertini.tracking.AMPTracker((object)arg1, (System)arg2) → None

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

The adaptive multiple precision (AMP) tracker. Ambient numeric type is multiple-precision (mpfr_complex). Contruct one by feeding it a system – cannot be constructed without feeding it a system. Adjust its settings via configs and the setup function. Then, call method track_path.

add_observer((object)arg1, (object)arg2) → None
current_point((AMPTracker)arg1) → VectorXmp
current_precision((AMPTracker)arg1) → int
current_time((AMPTracker)arg1) → Complex
get_newton((AMPTracker)arg1) → NewtonConfig :

Get the tracker’s internal configuration for Newton correction

get_stepping((AMPTracker)arg1) → SteppingConfig :

Get the tracker’s internal configuration for things that control stepping behaviour

get_system((AMPTracker)arg1) → System :

Gets an internal reference to the tracked system.

infinite_truncation((AMPTracker)arg1, (bool)arg2) → None :

Decide whether the tracker should truncate infinite paths. See also infinite_truncation_tolerance

infinite_truncation( (AMPTracker)arg1) -> bool :
Get the bool for whether the tracker should truncate infinite paths. See also infinite_truncation_tolerance
infinite_truncation_tolerance((AMPTracker)arg1, (float)arg2) → None :

Set the path truncation tolerance for infinite paths for the tracker

infinite_truncation_tolerance( (AMPTracker)arg1) -> float :
Get the path truncation tolerance for infinite paths for the tracker
num_total_steps_taken((AMPTracker)arg1) → int :

Ask how many steps have been taken so far, including failures

observers = <module '_pybertini.tracking.observers.amp'>
precision_preservation((AMPTracker)arg1, (bool)arg2) → None :

Turn on or off the preservation of precision. That is, if this is on (true), then the precision of the final point will be the precision of the start point. Generally, you want to let precision drift, methinks.

precision_setup((AMPTracker)arg1, (AMPConfig)arg2) → None
predictor((AMPTracker)arg1) → Predictor :

Query the current predictor method used by the tracker.

predictor( (AMPTracker)arg1, (Predictor)arg2) -> None :
Set the predictor method used by the tracker.
refine() → object

refine() -> object

refine() -> object

refine() -> object

reinitialize_initial_step_size((AMPTracker)arg1, (bool)arg2) → None :

Set whether the tracker should re-set the stepsize to the configured-initial stepsize when it starts tracking. Feed it a bool

remove_observer((object)arg1, (object)arg2) → None
set_newton((AMPTracker)arg1, (NewtonConfig)arg2) → None :

Set the tracker’s internal configuration for Newton correction

set_stepping((AMPTracker)arg1, (SteppingConfig)arg2) → None :

Set the tracker’s internal configuration for things that control stepping behaviour

set_stepsize((AMPTracker)arg1, (Float)arg2) → None
setup((AMPTracker)arg1, (Predictor)predictor, (float)tolerance, (float)truncation, (SteppingConfig)stepping, (NewtonConfig)newton) → None :

Set values for the internal configuration of the tracker. tolerance and truncation are both real doubles. predictor is a valid value for predictor choice. stepping and newton are the config structs from pybertini.tracking.config.

track_path((AMPTracker)arg1, (VectorXmp)result, (Complex)start_time, (Complex)end_time, (VectorXmp)start_point) → SuccessCode :

The main function of the tracker, once its set up. Feed it, in (result, start_time, end_time, start_point

tracking_tolerance((AMPTracker)arg1) → float :

A step is labeled as a failure if newton correcting doesn’t yield a residual less than this tolerance. A real number, the smaller the slower tracking, generally speaking

tracking_tolerance( (AMPTracker)arg1, (float)arg2) -> None :
Set the tracking tolerance for the tracker
class _pybertini.tracking.DoublePrecisionTracker((object)arg1, (System)arg2) → None

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

The double precision tracker. Tracks using only complex doubles. Ambient numeric type is double. Contruct one by feeding it a system – cannot be constructed without feeding it a system. Adjust its settings via configs and the setup function. Then, call method track_path.

add_observer((object)arg1, (object)arg2) → None
current_point((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1) → VectorXd
current_precision((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1) → int
current_time((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1) → complex
get_newton((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1) → NewtonConfig :

Get the tracker’s internal configuration for Newton correction

get_stepping((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1) → SteppingConfig :

Get the tracker’s internal configuration for things that control stepping behaviour

get_system((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1) → System :

Gets an internal reference to the tracked system.

infinite_truncation((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1, (bool)arg2) → None :

Decide whether the tracker should truncate infinite paths. See also infinite_truncation_tolerance

infinite_truncation( (DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1) -> bool :
Get the bool for whether the tracker should truncate infinite paths. See also infinite_truncation_tolerance
infinite_truncation_tolerance((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1, (float)arg2) → None :

Set the path truncation tolerance for infinite paths for the tracker

infinite_truncation_tolerance( (DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1) -> float :
Get the path truncation tolerance for infinite paths for the tracker
num_total_steps_taken((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1) → int :

Ask how many steps have been taken so far, including failures

observers = <module '_pybertini.tracking.observers.double'>
predictor((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1) → Predictor :

Query the current predictor method used by the tracker.

predictor( (DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1, (Predictor)arg2) -> None :
Set the predictor method used by the tracker.
refine() → object

refine() -> object

reinitialize_initial_step_size((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1, (bool)arg2) → None :

Set whether the tracker should re-set the stepsize to the configured-initial stepsize when it starts tracking. Feed it a bool

remove_observer((object)arg1, (object)arg2) → None
set_newton((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1, (NewtonConfig)arg2) → None :

Set the tracker’s internal configuration for Newton correction

set_stepping((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1, (SteppingConfig)arg2) → None :

Set the tracker’s internal configuration for things that control stepping behaviour

set_stepsize((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1, (float)arg2) → None
setup((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1, (Predictor)predictor, (float)tolerance, (float)truncation, (SteppingConfig)stepping, (NewtonConfig)newton) → None :

Set values for the internal configuration of the tracker. tolerance and truncation are both real doubles. predictor is a valid value for predictor choice. stepping and newton are the config structs from pybertini.tracking.config.

track_path((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1, (VectorXd)result, (complex)start_time, (complex)end_time, (VectorXd)start_point) → SuccessCode :

The main function of the tracker, once its set up. Feed it, in (result, start_time, end_time, start_point

tracking_tolerance((DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1) → float :

A step is labeled as a failure if newton correcting doesn’t yield a residual less than this tolerance. A real number, the smaller the slower tracking, generally speaking

tracking_tolerance( (DoublePrecisionTracker)arg1, (float)arg2) -> None :
Set the tracking tolerance for the tracker
class _pybertini.tracking.MultiplePrecisionTracker((object)arg1, (System)arg2) → None

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

The fixed multiple precision tracker. Ambient numeric type is multiple-precision (mpfr_complex). Precision is the value of pybertini.default_precision() at contruction. Errors if you try to feed it things not at that precision. Contruct one by feeding it a system – cannot be constructed without feeding it a system. Adjust its settings via configs and the setup function. Then, call method track_path.

add_observer((object)arg1, (object)arg2) → None
current_point((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1) → VectorXmp
current_precision((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1) → int
current_time((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1) → Complex
get_newton((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1) → NewtonConfig :

Get the tracker’s internal configuration for Newton correction

get_stepping((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1) → SteppingConfig :

Get the tracker’s internal configuration for things that control stepping behaviour

get_system((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1) → System :

Gets an internal reference to the tracked system.

infinite_truncation((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1, (bool)arg2) → None :

Decide whether the tracker should truncate infinite paths. See also infinite_truncation_tolerance

infinite_truncation( (MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1) -> bool :
Get the bool for whether the tracker should truncate infinite paths. See also infinite_truncation_tolerance
infinite_truncation_tolerance((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1, (float)arg2) → None :

Set the path truncation tolerance for infinite paths for the tracker

infinite_truncation_tolerance( (MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1) -> float :
Get the path truncation tolerance for infinite paths for the tracker
num_total_steps_taken((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1) → int :

Ask how many steps have been taken so far, including failures

observers = <module '_pybertini.tracking.observers.multiple'>
predictor((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1) → Predictor :

Query the current predictor method used by the tracker.

predictor( (MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1, (Predictor)arg2) -> None :
Set the predictor method used by the tracker.
refine() → object

refine() -> object

reinitialize_initial_step_size((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1, (bool)arg2) → None :

Set whether the tracker should re-set the stepsize to the configured-initial stepsize when it starts tracking. Feed it a bool

remove_observer((object)arg1, (object)arg2) → None
set_newton((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1, (NewtonConfig)arg2) → None :

Set the tracker’s internal configuration for Newton correction

set_stepping((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1, (SteppingConfig)arg2) → None :

Set the tracker’s internal configuration for things that control stepping behaviour

set_stepsize((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1, (Float)arg2) → None
setup((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1, (Predictor)predictor, (float)tolerance, (float)truncation, (SteppingConfig)stepping, (NewtonConfig)newton) → None :

Set values for the internal configuration of the tracker. tolerance and truncation are both real doubles. predictor is a valid value for predictor choice. stepping and newton are the config structs from pybertini.tracking.config.

track_path((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1, (VectorXmp)result, (Complex)start_time, (Complex)end_time, (VectorXmp)start_point) → SuccessCode :

The main function of the tracker, once its set up. Feed it, in (result, start_time, end_time, start_point

tracking_tolerance((MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1) → float :

A step is labeled as a failure if newton correcting doesn’t yield a residual less than this tolerance. A real number, the smaller the slower tracking, generally speaking

tracking_tolerance( (MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg1, (float)arg2) -> None :
Set the tracking tolerance for the tracker
class _pybertini.tracking.Predictor

Bases: Boost.Python.enum

Constant = _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.Constant
Euler = _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.Euler
Heun = _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.Heun
HeunEuler = _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.HeunEuler
RK4 = _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RK4
RKCashKarp45 = _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKCashKarp45
RKDormandPrince56 = _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKDormandPrince56
RKF45 = _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKF45
RKNorsett34 = _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKNorsett34
RKVerner67 = _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKVerner67
names = {'Constant': _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.Constant, 'Euler': _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.Euler, 'Heun': _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.Heun, 'HeunEuler': _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.HeunEuler, 'RK4': _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RK4, 'RKCashKarp45': _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKCashKarp45, 'RKDormandPrince56': _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKDormandPrince56, 'RKF45': _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKF45, 'RKNorsett34': _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKNorsett34, 'RKVerner67': _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKVerner67}
values = {0: _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.Constant, 1: _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.Euler, 2: _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.Heun, 3: _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RK4, 4: _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.HeunEuler, 5: _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKNorsett34, 6: _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKF45, 7: _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKCashKarp45, 8: _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKDormandPrince56, 9: _pybertini.tracking.Predictor.RKVerner67}
class _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode

Bases: Boost.Python.enum

CycleNumTooHigh = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.CycleNumTooHigh
ExternallyTerminated = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.ExternallyTerminated
FailedToConverge = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.FailedToConverge
Failure = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.Failure
GoingToInfinity = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.GoingToInfinity
HigherPrecisionNecessary = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.HigherPrecisionNecessary
MatrixSolveFailure = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MatrixSolveFailure
MatrixSolveFailureFirstPartOfPrediction = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MatrixSolveFailureFirstPartOfPrediction
MaxNumStepsTaken = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MaxNumStepsTaken
MaxPrecisionReached = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MaxPrecisionReached
MinStepSizeReached = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MinStepSizeReached
MinTrackTimeReached = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MinTrackTimeReached
ReduceStepSize = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.ReduceStepSize
SecurityMaxNormReached = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.SecurityMaxNormReached
SingularStartPoint = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.SingularStartPoint
Success = _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.Success
names = {'CycleNumTooHigh': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.CycleNumTooHigh, 'ExternallyTerminated': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.ExternallyTerminated, 'FailedToConverge': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.FailedToConverge, 'Failure': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.Failure, 'GoingToInfinity': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.GoingToInfinity, 'HigherPrecisionNecessary': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.HigherPrecisionNecessary, 'MatrixSolveFailure': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MatrixSolveFailure, 'MatrixSolveFailureFirstPartOfPrediction': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MatrixSolveFailureFirstPartOfPrediction, 'MaxNumStepsTaken': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MaxNumStepsTaken, 'MaxPrecisionReached': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MaxPrecisionReached, 'MinStepSizeReached': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MinStepSizeReached, 'MinTrackTimeReached': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MinTrackTimeReached, 'ReduceStepSize': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.ReduceStepSize, 'SecurityMaxNormReached': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.SecurityMaxNormReached, 'SingularStartPoint': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.SingularStartPoint, 'Success': _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.Success}
values = {0: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.Success, 1: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.HigherPrecisionNecessary, 2: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.ReduceStepSize, 3: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.GoingToInfinity, 4: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.FailedToConverge, 5: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MatrixSolveFailure, 6: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MatrixSolveFailureFirstPartOfPrediction, 7: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MaxNumStepsTaken, 8: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MaxPrecisionReached, 9: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MinStepSizeReached, 10: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.Failure, 11: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.SingularStartPoint, 12: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.ExternallyTerminated, 13: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.MinTrackTimeReached, 14: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.SecurityMaxNormReached, 15: _pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.CycleNumTooHigh}


Endgames and associated types and functions. For tracking around singularities.

class _pybertini.endgame.AMPCauchyEG((object)arg1, (AMPTracker)arg2) → None

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

The adaptive precision implementation of the Cauchy endgame

__init__( (object)arg1, (AMPTracker)arg2, (CauchyConfig)arg3) -> None

__init__( (object)arg1, (AMPTracker)arg2, (Endgame)arg3) -> None

__init__( (object)arg1, (AMPTracker)arg2, (Security)arg3) -> None

cycle_number((AMPCauchyEG)arg1) → int :

Get the cycle number as currently computed

final_approximation((AMPCauchyEG)arg1) → VectorXmp :

Get the current approximation of the root, in the ambient numeric type for the tracker being used

get_endgame_settings((AMPCauchyEG)arg1) → Endgame :

Get the current non-specific endgame settings

get_security_settings((AMPCauchyEG)arg1) → Security :

Get the ‘security’ settings for the endgame (path truncation near infinity)

get_system((AMPCauchyEG)arg1) → System :

Get the tracked system. This is a reference to the internal system.

get_tracker((AMPCauchyEG)arg1) → AMPTracker :

Get the tracker used in this endgame. This is the same tracker as you feed the endgame object when you make it. This is a reference variable

run((AMPCauchyEG)arg1, (Complex)arg2, (VectorXmp)arg3) → SuccessCode :

Run the endgame, from start point and start time, to t=0. Expects complex numeric type matching that of the tracker being used.

run( (AMPCauchyEG)arg1, (Complex)arg2, (VectorXmp)arg3, (Complex)arg4) -> SuccessCode :
Run the endgame, from start point and start time, to your choice of target time t. Expects complex numeric type matching that of the tracker being used.
set_endgame_settings((AMPCauchyEG)arg1, (Endgame)arg2) → None :

Set the values of non-specific endgame settings

set_security_settings((AMPCauchyEG)arg1, (Security)arg2) → None :

Set the values of security-level settings

class _pybertini.endgame.AMPPSEG((object)arg1, (AMPTracker)arg2) → None

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

The adaptive precision implementation of the power series endgame.

__init__( (object)arg1, (AMPTracker)arg2, (PowerSeriesConfig)arg3) -> None

__init__( (object)arg1, (AMPTracker)arg2, (Endgame)arg3) -> None

__init__( (object)arg1, (AMPTracker)arg2, (Security)arg3) -> None

cycle_number((AMPPSEG)arg1) → int :

Get the cycle number as currently computed

final_approximation((AMPPSEG)arg1) → VectorXmp :

Get the current approximation of the root, in the ambient numeric type for the tracker being used

get_endgame_settings((AMPPSEG)arg1) → Endgame :

Get the current non-specific endgame settings

get_security_settings((AMPPSEG)arg1) → Security :

Get the ‘security’ settings for the endgame (path truncation near infinity)

get_system((AMPPSEG)arg1) → System :

Get the tracked system. This is a reference to the internal system.

get_tracker((AMPPSEG)arg1) → AMPTracker :

Get the tracker used in this endgame. This is the same tracker as you feed the endgame object when you make it. This is a reference variable

run((AMPPSEG)arg1, (Complex)arg2, (VectorXmp)arg3) → SuccessCode :

Run the endgame, from start point and start time, to t=0. Expects complex numeric type matching that of the tracker being used.

run( (AMPPSEG)arg1, (Complex)arg2, (VectorXmp)arg3, (Complex)arg4) -> SuccessCode :
Run the endgame, from start point and start time, to your choice of target time t. Expects complex numeric type matching that of the tracker being used.
set_endgame_settings((AMPPSEG)arg1, (Endgame)arg2) → None :

Set the values of non-specific endgame settings

set_security_settings((AMPPSEG)arg1, (Security)arg2) → None :

Set the values of security-level settings

class _pybertini.endgame.FixedDoubleCauchyEG((object)arg1, (DoublePrecisionTracker)arg2) → None

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

The fixed double precision implementation of the Cauchy endgame

__init__( (object)arg1, (DoublePrecisionTracker)arg2, (CauchyConfig)arg3) -> None

__init__( (object)arg1, (DoublePrecisionTracker)arg2, (Endgame)arg3) -> None

__init__( (object)arg1, (DoublePrecisionTracker)arg2, (Security)arg3) -> None

cycle_number((FixedDoubleCauchyEG)arg1) → int :

Get the cycle number as currently computed

final_approximation((FixedDoubleCauchyEG)arg1) → VectorXd :

Get the current approximation of the root, in the ambient numeric type for the tracker being used

get_endgame_settings((FixedDoubleCauchyEG)arg1) → Endgame :

Get the current non-specific endgame settings

get_security_settings((FixedDoubleCauchyEG)arg1) → Security :

Get the ‘security’ settings for the endgame (path truncation near infinity)

get_system((FixedDoubleCauchyEG)arg1) → System :

Get the tracked system. This is a reference to the internal system.

get_tracker((FixedDoubleCauchyEG)arg1) → DoublePrecisionTracker :

Get the tracker used in this endgame. This is the same tracker as you feed the endgame object when you make it. This is a reference variable

run((FixedDoubleCauchyEG)arg1, (complex)arg2, (VectorXd)arg3) → SuccessCode :

Run the endgame, from start point and start time, to t=0. Expects complex numeric type matching that of the tracker being used.

run( (FixedDoubleCauchyEG)arg1, (complex)arg2, (VectorXd)arg3, (complex)arg4) -> SuccessCode :
Run the endgame, from start point and start time, to your choice of target time t. Expects complex numeric type matching that of the tracker being used.
set_endgame_settings((FixedDoubleCauchyEG)arg1, (Endgame)arg2) → None :

Set the values of non-specific endgame settings

set_security_settings((FixedDoubleCauchyEG)arg1, (Security)arg2) → None :

Set the values of security-level settings

class _pybertini.endgame.FixedDoublePSEG((object)arg1, (DoublePrecisionTracker)arg2) → None

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

The double-precision implementation of the power series endgame

__init__( (object)arg1, (DoublePrecisionTracker)arg2, (PowerSeriesConfig)arg3) -> None

__init__( (object)arg1, (DoublePrecisionTracker)arg2, (Endgame)arg3) -> None

__init__( (object)arg1, (DoublePrecisionTracker)arg2, (Security)arg3) -> None

cycle_number((FixedDoublePSEG)arg1) → int :

Get the cycle number as currently computed

final_approximation((FixedDoublePSEG)arg1) → VectorXd :

Get the current approximation of the root, in the ambient numeric type for the tracker being used

get_endgame_settings((FixedDoublePSEG)arg1) → Endgame :

Get the current non-specific endgame settings

get_security_settings((FixedDoublePSEG)arg1) → Security :

Get the ‘security’ settings for the endgame (path truncation near infinity)

get_system((FixedDoublePSEG)arg1) → System :

Get the tracked system. This is a reference to the internal system.

get_tracker((FixedDoublePSEG)arg1) → DoublePrecisionTracker :

Get the tracker used in this endgame. This is the same tracker as you feed the endgame object when you make it. This is a reference variable

run((FixedDoublePSEG)arg1, (complex)arg2, (VectorXd)arg3) → SuccessCode :

Run the endgame, from start point and start time, to t=0. Expects complex numeric type matching that of the tracker being used.

run( (FixedDoublePSEG)arg1, (complex)arg2, (VectorXd)arg3, (complex)arg4) -> SuccessCode :
Run the endgame, from start point and start time, to your choice of target time t. Expects complex numeric type matching that of the tracker being used.
set_endgame_settings((FixedDoublePSEG)arg1, (Endgame)arg2) → None :

Set the values of non-specific endgame settings

set_security_settings((FixedDoublePSEG)arg1, (Security)arg2) → None :

Set the values of security-level settings

class _pybertini.endgame.FixedMultipleCauchyEG((object)arg1, (MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg2) → None

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

The fixed multiple precision implementation of the Cauchy endgame

__init__( (object)arg1, (MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg2, (CauchyConfig)arg3) -> None

__init__( (object)arg1, (MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg2, (Endgame)arg3) -> None

__init__( (object)arg1, (MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg2, (Security)arg3) -> None

cycle_number((FixedMultipleCauchyEG)arg1) → int :

Get the cycle number as currently computed

final_approximation((FixedMultipleCauchyEG)arg1) → VectorXmp :

Get the current approximation of the root, in the ambient numeric type for the tracker being used

get_endgame_settings((FixedMultipleCauchyEG)arg1) → Endgame :

Get the current non-specific endgame settings

get_security_settings((FixedMultipleCauchyEG)arg1) → Security :

Get the ‘security’ settings for the endgame (path truncation near infinity)

get_system((FixedMultipleCauchyEG)arg1) → System :

Get the tracked system. This is a reference to the internal system.

get_tracker((FixedMultipleCauchyEG)arg1) → MultiplePrecisionTracker :

Get the tracker used in this endgame. This is the same tracker as you feed the endgame object when you make it. This is a reference variable

run((FixedMultipleCauchyEG)arg1, (Complex)arg2, (VectorXmp)arg3) → SuccessCode :

Run the endgame, from start point and start time, to t=0. Expects complex numeric type matching that of the tracker being used.

run( (FixedMultipleCauchyEG)arg1, (Complex)arg2, (VectorXmp)arg3, (Complex)arg4) -> SuccessCode :
Run the endgame, from start point and start time, to your choice of target time t. Expects complex numeric type matching that of the tracker being used.
set_endgame_settings((FixedMultipleCauchyEG)arg1, (Endgame)arg2) → None :

Set the values of non-specific endgame settings

set_security_settings((FixedMultipleCauchyEG)arg1, (Security)arg2) → None :

Set the values of security-level settings

class _pybertini.endgame.FixedMultiplePSEG((object)arg1, (MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg2) → None

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

The fixed but arbitrary precision implementation of the power series endgame

__init__( (object)arg1, (MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg2, (PowerSeriesConfig)arg3) -> None

__init__( (object)arg1, (MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg2, (Endgame)arg3) -> None

__init__( (object)arg1, (MultiplePrecisionTracker)arg2, (Security)arg3) -> None

cycle_number((FixedMultiplePSEG)arg1) → int :

Get the cycle number as currently computed

final_approximation((FixedMultiplePSEG)arg1) → VectorXmp :

Get the current approximation of the root, in the ambient numeric type for the tracker being used

get_endgame_settings((FixedMultiplePSEG)arg1) → Endgame :

Get the current non-specific endgame settings

get_security_settings((FixedMultiplePSEG)arg1) → Security :

Get the ‘security’ settings for the endgame (path truncation near infinity)

get_system((FixedMultiplePSEG)arg1) → System :

Get the tracked system. This is a reference to the internal system.

get_tracker((FixedMultiplePSEG)arg1) → MultiplePrecisionTracker :

Get the tracker used in this endgame. This is the same tracker as you feed the endgame object when you make it. This is a reference variable

run((FixedMultiplePSEG)arg1, (Complex)arg2, (VectorXmp)arg3) → SuccessCode :

Run the endgame, from start point and start time, to t=0. Expects complex numeric type matching that of the tracker being used.

run( (FixedMultiplePSEG)arg1, (Complex)arg2, (VectorXmp)arg3, (Complex)arg4) -> SuccessCode :
Run the endgame, from start point and start time, to your choice of target time t. Expects complex numeric type matching that of the tracker being used.
set_endgame_settings((FixedMultiplePSEG)arg1, (Endgame)arg2) → None :

Set the values of non-specific endgame settings

set_security_settings((FixedMultiplePSEG)arg1, (Security)arg2) → None :

Set the values of security-level settings