🛤 pybertini.tracking

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Trackers in Bertini2 are stateful objects, that refer to a system they are tracking, hold their specific settings, and have a notion of current time and space value.

Here are some particular classes and functions to pay attention to:

  • pybertini.tracking.AMPTracker

  • pybertini.tracking.DoublePrecisionTracker

  • pybertini.tracking.MultiplePrecisionTracker

Here are the implemented ODE predictors you can choose from:

  • pybertini.tracking.Predictor

Calls to track_path() return a pybertini.tracking.SuccessCode.

And, trackers are implemented using observer pattern. They live in the pybertini.tracking.observers namespace, with provisions for each tracker type available under a submodule thereof: amp, multiple, and double. They are also conveniently available using the tr.observers, where tr is a tracker you already made. See pybertini.tracking.observers.amp

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Tracking-specific things – trackers, configs

🛤 pybertini.tracking.config

Tracking-specific configs

🛤 pybertini.tracking.observers

📝 All of these are available for all trackers, though you should use the ones for your tracker type. Look in pybertini.tracking.AMPTracker.observers, etc.

Observers built to watch a tracker

  1. pybertini.tracking.observers.amp

  2. pybertini.tracking.observers.double

  3. pybertini.tracking.observers.multiple

📝 Symmetrically, there are the same observers in all three.

Observers built to watch an adaptive precision tracker

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