♻️ Evaluation of cyclic-\(n\) polynomials

Bertini is software for algebraic geometry. This means we work with systems of polynomials, a critical component of which is system and function evaluation.

Bertini2 allows us to set up many kinds of functions, and thus systems, by exploting operator overloading.

Make some symbols

Let’s start by making some variables, programmatically 1.

import pybertini
import numpy

num_vars = 10
x = [None] * num_vars # preallocate the list
for ii in range(num_vars):
    x[ii] = pybertini.Variable('x' + str(ii))

Huzzah, we have num_vars variables! This was hard to do in Bertini 1’s classic style input files. Now we can do it directly! 🎯

Write a function to produce the cyclic \(n\) polynomials [DKK03].

def cyclic(vars):
    n = len(vars)
    f = [None] * len(vars)
    y = []
    for ii in range(2):
        for x in vars:

    for ii in range(n-1):
        f[ii] = numpy.sum( [numpy.prod(y[jj:jj+ii+1]) for jj in range(n)] )

    # the last one is minus one
    f[-1] = numpy.prod(vars)-1
    return f

Now we will make a System, and put the cyclic polynomials into it.

sys = pybertini.System()

for f in cyclic(x):

print(sys) # long screen output, i know

We also need to associate the variables with the system. Unassociated variables are left unknown, and retain their value until elsewhere set.

vg = pybertini.VariableGroup()
for var in x:

Let’s simplify this. It will modify elements of the constructed function tree, even those held externally – Bertini uses shared pointers under the hood, so pay attention to where you re-use parts of your functions, because later modification of them without deep cloning will cause … modification elsewhere, too.


Now, let’s evaluate it at the origin – all zero’s (0 is the default value for multiprecision complex numbers in Bertini2). The returned value should be all zero’s except the last entry, which should be -1.

s = pybertini.multiprec.Vector()

Yay, all zeros, except the last one is -1. Huzzah.

Let’s change the values of our vector, and re-evaluate.

for ii in range(num_vars):
        s[ii] = pybertini.multiprec.Complex(ii)

There is much more one can do, too! Please write the authors, particularly Dani Brake, for more.


This is one of the reasons we wrote Bertini2’s symbolic C++ core and exposed it to Python.